No worries, when ever you got time. Real life still comes first right? Thanks again for testing it.
Could I ask a favor? I need someone to test verson 2 of the silent Cartographer. Normally I would do it myself, but most of my friends are playing...
Thank-you for bringing these to my attention. I have some ideas for a V2. I will be taking down the map and gametype some time today to edit it....
Maybe just play through some of them, a lot of them would be good to do. Polis masses for example.
Thats cool. Maybe try do the Jedi Temple, its a good size to make, maybe give the Jedi team Energy swords and maybe custom power up to give them...
BF2 as in Battlefield 2(which would be awesome but hard to make due to the size) or Battlefront 2(which would be just as awesome.) Let me know...
I ran some tests earlier today on the spawns I had no problem. Are you sure you played it on invasion? Or did you try leave the Island(walking...
Let me know when its done and I'll test it and let you know what I think.
Thanks. Let me know if you have any maps you want me to try out. Also, I'll make sure to let you know once I release my third invasion map based...
Yeah, I probably could have added more, but there was not much to add.
This is a losely remade invasion version of the Halo CE Single Player Campaign level "The Silent Cartographer" The Spartans spawn on the beach...
No offense taken. Just wanted to make it clear thats all. Only problem with power cores by the shade turrets is that it will be easy to take out...
Interesting idea for your map. But the two are very different. And I didn't intend to copy your map, it was all my idea(with inspirations from TaR...
"Spartans, destroy the Triple-A then move on to destroy the covenant corvette." The map was inspired by the the halo 1 level, Truth and...
I have 4 resapwn zones on my invasion maps.(I made them out of the hill marker) Once the attackers reach the first phase I want the first two to...