Be awesome if this saved, you could probably do the same thing with the sword and create glowing walls for certain areas, say a dark corridor.
So I'm thinking of making a map that's like a "Who dunnit" theme with and without honor rules (with would be more fun, but without is still...
Re: THE PENTAGON (revised: explination and apologies at the top) I vote to keep it the original name. It's a sad day when your freedom of...
Place 4 dumpsters in a square Place an open double box vertical ontop of the square and delete the dumpsters so it floats at that height Place a...
Re: Bomb the Pentagon! I think it's fine. Are all of you offended by Counter Strike because it one of the teams are Terrorists? The map on Quake...
Wait, new areas? I thought everybody knew about those XD Anyway, you can also use a Machine Gun Turret up against the wall you want to get into...
I'm thinking 10% health, no shields, and Sentinel Beam
I've got the geometry on a map I'm making complete but I need to decide on areas for weapons. I've got a few weapons already placed, but overall I...
Somebody stole the Mt.Killamanjaro from somebody else and posted it and got into Bungie Favorites, proof is in the posts in that the real author...
Mountain Dew, but it's more of study fuel since I get it at school. I can never get to sleep so I only get like 4-5 hours of sleep per night and I...
I think you can use spawn areas to prioritize spawns so you don't spawn next to somebody. Then again, why do a double kill and then get shot...
NOTE: Must not have host. So have you ever wanted to place an object at just slightly less the height than a double box/wall/fence wall etc....
Make sure when you grab the bottom boxes that you grab them from the side and in the direct center so like: ___ | | | - | |___| That should...
Nevermind, found my own solution, the map is now available for testing in the Map Testing child forum.
So far my map for bowling is functional for the actual bowling part, but there's no way to keep score. I've thought of a way, but I want to make...
So is it possible to merge a placeable wall into the part of the side walls where it starts to curve? I tried so many times and it kept forcing...
I don't think it's that good... yet. I think I should maybe try to put in two lanes instead of one and make it only bowling. Maybe make it a...
I would download it but my Xbox Live is messed up right now, from the screenshots the only thing I think I would change if I could would be the...
Wasn't mine that you played, I only made it yesterday and only a two other people played it. Now unless one of them played it with you... but...