I'll put it simple and short: Sounds like a good idea. THERE.
Nice spec. effect on your sig.
I saw this prev. too it just awesome.
You put a lot of work into this GREAT JOB!
I voted for Gold Rush.
Not really but i was kind of creeped out it was very odd. Technically speaking...
Halo would be so much better with iron sights because almost every other game has a sight even just a zoom. Halo would be way cooler with sights....
It'll be very hard to find a map like this...good luck.
I pick no because it's really just a story line not really meant for MM.
This is cool and this is stupid.
I play custom games ALOT My GT is TechnicalWalnut.
Halo 3
I'd use pelicans because i hate the covenent with all my life.
I don't really need to because i don't take many screenshots.
More hiding places: more camping! yay!
Sandbox is bigger has a flippin underground sanctuary and you build stuff in the sky(the sky bubble is bigger than foundry).
Luke owes me 62 steaks! Ranked:20 Social:42
Emostreet's idea for the overshield machine is brilliant good job on explaining things!
Just like this one person Cali 831 Recon admitted that he had stolen that account with recon.
Just post your favorite halo 3 character on my thread such as: My Favorite Character is: The chief Or My Favorite Character is: Mickey And so on....