Welcome to forgehub LP! Hope you like it here, in my opinion it is the best forge site around. :) and yes, it may seem boring, but reading the...
The towers can kill you, im sure of it. I have a distinct memory of myfriend sniping from upthir and getting killed by the beam.
agian cowboy pickle! you continue to amaze me with your maps. I like the random weapon box and I think it was intigrated well into the map. nice...
Wow ive never noticed isolations ground changing color. And the closest thing i can think of is the stream on vallhalla... Kinda i mean it moves...
I can see a slight increace in the first one, Photobucket has ok effects try turning up the contrast and brightness if you havent already. Oh and...
I like this idea, nice use of deployable cover and bruteshots. And good ghost merging from what i can tell. Thie only part that looks a little...
Yeah i foundout my frienss computer came with a graphics card so yeah, ur probly gunna have to get one. unless its a software issue but thats...
Yay i just went back to playing fallout 3 and was thinking about remaking part of the fallout map in halo. you did one better and created a whole...
You might have wanted to put this in the forge discussion if this isnt the final map but i think its fine. Looks pretty good, just make sure that...
I tried to make a track like this once but it was like a year and a half ago when i sucked at forging. Needless to say you did it much better. The...
well I was googling a certain anticipated prequle and had {saw} the {a} idea {picture} of a needler carbine, where would this go? Its even weirder...
Wow Thought of this a couple of months ago but quickly wrote it off as impossible, clearly you proved me wrong, this is one of the coolest...
Lol at jewker's post and yeah i know its been around for awhile but by found i mean i played it for the first time. Oh and Fbu what exactly do you...
Im not really sure if this belongs in the pitures fourum but its really good exept... I think i saw this on youtube, it may have been a similar...
Woah the grassy one is really cool! Its like spartan commando, the other pic has a nice effect but bad placement and such. The bottom pic is like...
Haha you got some good ideas in here. i really like how the TV looks but the best part of this map is the pool table! Nice use of plasma grenades...
I was thinking about this the other day. i was going to make a chart but you beat me to it. If you want more vehicles try looking at halo wars...
Im sorry, i use my iphone most of the time and its a little hard to type really long reveiws but I still try to.
Lol i forgot *facepalm* wow that is possibly the stupidist thing i have ever done well it will be up soon.
Bleh [IMG] This was my first map using Interlocking. I had a version one that was really bumpy and crooked. Version two is still pretty rough and...