Wow this looks awesome, I'm really liking the diamond thing in the 4th pic. Long live Crabcore =P [IMG]
did you try any special fx? the original map was pretty dark. this map is so open, I don't think you would have any problems if you added the...
For some reason those crates in that tele room bother the hell out of me. They just feel out of place. Also, try spicing it up a bit, perhaps put...
Once you get all the problems worked out you MUST set this up for Infection. Zombizar was EPIC.
Thanks, I appreciate the review. I know it's confusing but didn't realize it was until after I was finished with it, I can only hope that people...
OK, as far as aesthetics go, you get a 10 out of 10. The game type, I think is perfect, and I love that you have placed weapons with very small...
This map is absolutely fantastic. Aesthetics, gameplay, everything. The only problem is the frame rate freaks out. It sucks because that is beyond...
If he didn't have the grid, how would we see that kill ball thing (reactor?). I like it, it adds almost like a cyberspace feel to it.
How do you have so many lights? I can only get two
This map is quite difficult for the inexperienced driver and it may take you a few times through to avoid falling off. However, what makes it fun...
Looks interesting. From the pics, looks like most of your floors are smooth and all the merges seem clean. Thats good. I noticed its not set up...
Funkzilla! : Halo Reach : File Details Best Race map I have played to date, hands down!
All I have to say is WOW. I have DLed a lot of race maps in the last week or so, this has got to be the best one yet! Very smooth, great ideas and...
Need to turn these into racing maps.Techniques? Suggestions? [IMG] Thinking about having a road lead into the water near the large island in FW...
Your thumbnail needs to be an unedited pic from the map. I would switch it out quick before you get locked. Map looks great btw, I'll leave...