Something happened with the server, and Null has no way to access it at the moment.
I've lost a lot of interest in One Piece after the timeskip, due to that exact thing.
Dropping by to just say that this is a very good OP. [spoiler]
I know, I'm not looking forward to it. Starts off slow, but around episode 13, picks up very fast in terms of story. But very good, and silly.
It's been awhile, I know. Finished up Trigun tonight, the first 13 episodes were quite boring to watch, but as soon as it showed flashbacks,...
Sorry for the almost 2 month old response, but /a/ and /g/.
In all seriousness, and no offence to you. But that is a terrible list. I'm not going to go into the details as to why, because well personally it...
Added you.
Oh, then you should update your MAL. NGE is not on there, Higurashi isn't, and only the first season of Haruhi is.
Watch Neon Genesis Evangelion, the series, not just the Rebuilds. Watch Higurahsi and finish up Haruhi.
Lain is pretty good, a little boring at times. But good. And Evangelion if you haven't seen it...
Evangelion has giant mechs with girls piloting them, and one hell of a psychological setting.
wut wut wut
I beg to differ. lol Don't watch this unless you have seen Neon Genesis Evangelion, spoilers. Here at the End of the World (Shinji's Monologue)...
1. Asuka (NGE) 2. Mikuru (Haruhi) 3. Miku (mai waifu) 4. Okabe (Steins) 5. Ein (Phantom) Yandere > Tsundere
Asuka from Neon Genesis Evangelion.
But there's a trap in Steins;Gate. There's nothing wrong with Yaoi (Gay), it's the male version of Yuri (*******). And in other news... After a 2...