Stick it in Casual if I were you. If it's playable as a map, and isn't purely to look at, it deserves to be in casual.
Can't wait to get a game going, looks awesome. :3
I think this is most viable. I'm going to start the map later tonight, and I'll contact you when I'm finished in order that you can beta test and...
Lol, that makes 2 of us.
LOL! Kraken ftw. Can't wait for this.
Based on something that really happened... But that's besides the point, straying off topic. Gonna start building tomorrow, so I sorta need more...
Glen only types in 3rd person for AmercanPsycho. ♥
I'm considering getting Guild Wars myself. Go for GW if I were you. But I am you, in a way. And I'm going for Guild Wars. So you should go for...
Hi there. Glen has many likes, such as attmepting (and failing) to forge and pwning (more like getting pwnt) on Halo 3 MM.
That's his signature, not an advert in the thread. ^^'
Ermmm, ta. You assassinate a Russian millitant in the CoD:WaW campaign, I hope that didn't offend any users.
Will people tollerate being a spectator though? Because that was my initial plan, but I know how boring it is to be a spectator...
Still doesn't really solve my dilema... I pretty much have how the victim would be forced to act and the assassin forced to assassinate anyway...
I was considering making a series of maps focusing on real life assassinations, including JFK, Martin Luther King and John Lennon. I would ike to...