I'd like an actual map-maker. Similar to that of Far Cry 2. But that won't happen, due to the amount of money Bungie make from map packs.
Haha. Love it. Also very true, Ramirez carried the team.
Never even heard of this movie till a few days ago, and i decided to see the movie yesterday, and it exceeded all my expectations. It's a great movie.
Honestly, it just sounds like the opening, as in something we'd expect on the back of a game box. Admittedly, I thought he spoiled it until he...
It's actually called Drop shotting in MW2, as it was in WaW and CoD4. Also, PS3 update was just released fixing the 10th prestige glitch,...
Got 2 nukes today so far! First one was on Favela (Infinite Noob Tube glitch, so less prestigious, but still awesome). Infinite ammo AC-130 = max...
Spent a few games playing in a game like this today. Max lulz. Probably the most fun i've had in MW2 since release. Just wait till you get the...
I get this on my FAMAS and ACR sometimes, depending on location, and I use Red Tiger and Digital, respectively. My guess is that it's just a...
Could you re-hat my owl, it's time his top hat were replaced.
I'm pretty sure the glitch existed in CoD4 and WaW, but players weren't brought in from Matchmaking, only by joining the private game directly.
IMO an extra Demoman weapon would be more unique than a soldier item. Also, Hurrah for the Chargin' Targe and Eyelander!
FOR THE DEMOMANNNNNNNNNNNN. Although the soldier is probably gonna win (according to running totals).
Holos do not reduce recoil, however they increase zoom slightly (more noticeable when used in 3rd Person). It also has a slightly less significant...
Camping in core will only get you a nuke if the other team is blatantly awful. Any decent player will watch killcam, nade your area. Thus, don't...
Really not useful, unless you have fancy headphones, but a surround sound system works just fine too. It's cancelled out by Ninja Pro though,...
There's so much truth in this statement, that it hurts. What's everybody's ranks/KD ratios/WL ratios/ anything else signficant? (Sorry that's...
I got all 1000G a few days after the game was released. Veteran playthrough --> regular playthrough for intel (skipping a lot of levels, because i...
Yes, spent a while w/o killstreaks in TDM before i gave up. Tried 3rd Person Cage Match. Went 16-0. No pwoblem.
I suggest using a throwing knife instead of tactical insertion. Throwing knife works wonders when terrible people just sit there and spray till...
A Day to Remember The Devil Wears Prada Sum 41 The Offspring Rise Against Saosin Screamo and Punk mainly