just so u know there is a reason why im tkd forge team leader now and I have every right to be mad, i did do that much work on your map and on...
finnal pieve of proof anyone who has a problem with it message me on xbl corruption and i hid objects all over the first cliffside to avoid...
go F%^%^T&*^ yourself corruption basicly stole the map from me im sick of this i mad 75% of the map if not more read my profile and its not...
anyone that doesnt believe me message me on xbox corruption and i had hidden objects all over the map :) we can both show u them i can even show u...
alright thanx dude ill try it out prob
well can u tell me some websites cuz i have about 3 really good maps to post and now i need a website to post on
oh i can sign into tkd xspartanx on here tho if that would make u believe me... would u like me to do that?
Hey Corruption i just want you to knoe that im soooo thankfull for how you stole all my hard work and 2 months of my life on this map i really...
ya. thanks for understanding... send me a friend request if you wanna c more of my maps... I3renton
its V2 i changed things on it and i changed my name so i made a new account i didnt know we could request to change our names im sorry i just...
i might as well quit on here... corruption got all the fame of my hard work abd i got a..."map stealer" well thats life i guess... his maps, every...
i guess i understand your point of view but i mean if i had a 1 month i could go on tkd spartan account and message you... can i do tht from...
Thanks everyone for getting my map and hard work locked!!! I made the map and corruption put my nam,e in the post in 1 spot and he spelled it...
TKD spartan ran up so i made this account i have other work to show u or even way earlier stages of the level if i still have them. send a message...
Stop saying I stole this map Im TKD XSPARTANX so stop with this bs this is the v2 me and corruption made but never reliesed!!!!!!! STOP!
check before you post stupid things
i didnt steal retard im tkd xspartanx i made that map and corruption helped me u can ask him if u dont believe me... wow its the v2 that him and i...
CliffSide V2 This map is a 2 to 4 person FFA map. It is played best with slayer. I I3renton am the main founder of the map altho some credit...