i was in grifball and there entire team got behind our spawn and boosted on us o and they were inheritors
i havent seen any but i wonder if any reach guns made it into halo:ce
do you think they will come out with a dlc character at least? i really want like that gears of war guy or something. master chief would be teh...
ok i got it for the 360 and i have a character question. you know how the ps3 got the god of wars as an exclusive character, well is cyber-sub...
how bout run it back flagball swift flag
totally was worth its sick. the last one is cool too. there all good but those are my favs.
i agree with thia and that bungie changes too much. mabey they want to work with it as much as possible before they loose the rights
i has new one make sure pop (the justin beiber kind) dies early so that rock and metal wilp live forever!!!
this is why i do a quick sack drag
this with an added super before the nice
i would like a street fighter but with pokemon in it. or when you fight the pokemon will run up and hit not just lean forward and more 3d fighting...
be a time hero. prevent assassinations, kill the man that killed john lennan and (justin beiber) tell metallica to do this cool sound then pull a...
if thats true they would probably relase it in a dlc as a new map all together (but still the normal forge world just with a scarab) because i...
yeah it comes with the new dlc, cant wait!!! nice find dude. thumbs up :)
hell yes, i wanna make a vip infecton game type thing
something like the chopper(the front part) and cool sports cars that you saw on the side of the road in halo 2 and something like transport hog...
happened to me over a warthog. why couldnt he just ask me!!!
ok. so i got about 200$ birthday money this year, and i dont know what i should do with it. im either gonna buy a ipod touch 3g used, but that...
looks cool but isnt the naval intelligence like a triangle with dots? edit: this- http://images.wikia.com/halo/images/1/15/ONI_Seal_1.png