Dunno, it doesnt really matter though, as this guy turned out to be a wore-luck instead. As for the teleportation, hes wearing a green jacket,...
Yohttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=311jxU0YcSg Really quick video that I made as I went along. It surprising makes some sense, at least to me...
Well I would hope kids dont watch it considering its about alchemists that get powers from drinking breast milk straight from the source. Show is...
A lemon hat would actually be pretty sweet.
Been working on my mids...Dont know if I will be uploading one next week tho, the move is coming up. YouTube - My Ticket Home - Desertion Vocal...
sure thing bro.
its okay.
10 (and to fill up extra space so I can post this: blarg.)
Not sure to be honest, I usually just grab them and they all seem to fit so...yeah.
34, you want my shoe size next?
Large for shirts, medium for hoodies/sweaters and ****.
New cover thats like 2 weeks late...u guys know the drill by now. YouTube - Woe, Is Me - On Veiled Men + [&] Delinquints Vocal Cover...
Thanks, that worked! The eyes actually had even more glossyness to them in the original but I decided to tone it down a little so it didnt go to...
[IMG] This was my 2nd vector portrait that I had to do for my digital photography class (last semester.) I cant link to the original source since...
On top of that the person that issued it(their president or whatever) wrote alot of books that had focuses on rape and also said that the recent...
and manga that portray someone under the age of 18 in a sexual manner will be classified as porn. Now I dont know how much anime you have watched...
I forgot to mention, If you end up watching Seikon no Qwaser, make sure you watch it uncensored since they decided to zoom into paintings and...
If you like darker shows like that then you would most likely enjoy Death Note if you have not already seen it. If your a little more "daring"...
Awesome job man! The song sounds great. If you guys dont get signed then I have lost faith in the music industry, because you guys are doing...
I dont watch it as much as I would like to, but yeah. Do you?