They're under 'Scenery' then 'Barricades' I believe. They're energy barriers that act similarly to Halo 3's Pallet, except they are static and the...
The pieces are very anti-social when forced to interact with other structures. I made a very tall tower with only the 'Ramp Circular Small' pieces...
You should have a description, but I think I see what is happening. Shield doors repel unoccupied vehicles. When the player enters the shade...
Unfortunately, (to my knowledge) there's no way to remove the soft kill boundaries littering all of the interesting parts of the map. To be fair...
It isn't with Armor Lock itself, but there's a problem... In short; I'm looking for an intelligent response to a problem some people I know...
Because Elites move faster, jump higher, hit harder, live longer, and are dinosaurs.
I feel your pain. I often have to push myself to resist making my map pretty before it plays well. :P A very simple solution would be to use...
As unhelpful as Pyro came off, I believe he may be right. I also agree with you, in that forged maps are lacking in aesthetic variety....
Spartans V Elites as a gametype was beta exclusive. It was used to test exactly how much better players performed as Elites against Spartans....
I jogged the memory of one of my maps that "forgot it's name" by simply having my good buddy save it, rename it, host it, invite me to it, and let...
Assuming your gamertag is similar to your forum name, Xbox may take offense to the popular abbreviation of 'Baloney Sandwich', preventing you from...
It's a probability issue. Since Reach came out, more people have been to this site, therefore more incompetent people have been to this site....
You probably should've stayed off of the internet or at the very least, forums like this if you didn't want to be spoiled. I do feel terrible for...
One-way ladders maybe?
Is there a loadout name called "Thel 'Vadam"? :P Oh, Gametime, I overheard some intelligent and attractive user talking about this very...
Off-topic but this has been bugging me for a bit. If you placed a mancannon shooting straight up, maxed out jump height, jumped in the cannon...
Sea Urchin, you should change the OP to specify in-specificity. As in, any space from any Halo campaign.
There weren't very many "Oh crap now I'm stuck here in this well balanced enclosed place with a bunch of space monkeys on-par with my abilities...
Sorry, I appear to be a smart-ass...
Bungie's goal was to make each weapon serve a different purpose from the start. Weapons don't have "clones" anymore. It doesn't entirely matter...