Lol, that sounds awesome... and from the pictures it looks like the filters directly effect the time-of-day look, not just "put all filters on and...
This reminds me of the outrageous suggestions in the "Foundry Ideas!" thread. But I am excited even though there won't really be any drastic...
Nemi, haha, hullo thar.
Lol, ask project if he is still here.
Lol... this is an original idea. Sorry we never could finish up on it, though. Anybody remember Foundry3D???!?!?!?!?!?
O RLY? Why thank you...
<3 Muhahhaahaha... I might be back occasionally, IDK.
Don't you read my signature? Lol...
I wuv u to nemi... lol... oh well, i'll be around when i feel like it. sorry.
Sweet. That is awesome. I will talk to you Monday or Tuesday.
Dude, we need to do something about F3D... just PM me, I won't be on till Tuesday, though...
Well, you could do the forge no-weapon glitch and it would work... that would be sweet.
Okay, do you understand how you would mak ethat switch, though? Min/max with a grav lift would be the simplest... if you know what I am talking...
I am not going to bug you any more, but I just want to know if I am considered a "friend". If not, I will just make my own, no harm. If I am (for...
Lol, I think TDF won, but the animation is hilarious. Wow, this is really really funny. Thanks for the lolz. I needed it.
Yeah, this is really annoying. I think somehow I have gotten my name on the n00b's spam list. I have gotten like 50 message from people I have...
Nice job= +rep And what is that first map? It looks amazing! [EDIT] Oh, sorry, Lucid Dream, I should have payed more attention.
This really should be stickied... and I don't know if I am retro-posting, because this was linked somewhere else... but really, this should be...
Gosh, I am good at Halo, really, not fantastic, but good, and I have lost about 7 in a row of these today. It wasn't that I just got a bad match...