just got organized... MY OLD UBUNTU DESKTOP [IMG] NEW [IMG]
well, congrats on being awesome...
woot!!! party time!!!!!
well, i assumed that, but... whatever
well... yah, i should have been... but whatever
i will never get off your lawn... i will gladly die here to make my point!
how did you do that with your banner? i know you took 2 pngs but i could only do that in a html page... how did you save it so that it did that in...
seriously??? you made that from scratch???
my skype username is aardvarkgenocide (not that anyone cares since i don't really know any of you) feel free to message me any time...
i would like to see an online mode in which everyone just kills each other, and it would be so shitty, but it would be so amusing... yes... All...
So... is he going to die first, or get hacked???
i really would not have a problem with it if it is done for the greater good, if you can save more lives than you take, it may be worth it
happy birthday
are you serious??? i have not missed an assignment all year... (except for that spanish thing that we both missed...) that is a really cool...
i just joined today because i needed something to do in study hall, i was going around to all of my little forums and mace suggested that i join....
i have seen that before... but it is still entertaining
i use audacity also, but it does not do what you are looking for. It would be helpful for me to know your operating system so i can find a better...
[IMG] this is my ubuntu one... if you cant tell i am not a very organized person...