Miss you guys <3
Dude, I haven't been on FH in ages since my computer hard drive crashed, but I'd love to see that preview!
Hey. Would you rather have this VMs or PMs?
Duuuuuuuude http://plug.dj/halocustoms-official/
I miss having the ability to change the title, even if my titles were ****.
I don't see why this is a discussion in the first place. Think about gameplay first, and add aesthetics up the point where it doesn't affect...
So much love for this. You'd better incorporate some ponies in this. OR ELSE.
woot woot [IMG] only a few more layers of dots to go, then the rest of the image.
sup bitchrupt
This is my new project. WIP [IMG] [IMG] These last two are taken at an angle. [IMG] [IMG]
hey you
Yes, that is correct. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQu8FOjJXdI
The one with the miners is Since I Left You by The Avalanches.
Yeah, I've got it too, and Ingenue is one of my favorites. It's such a great album.
The texture was a result of using a very soft graphite pencil on a bunch of not perfectly flat surfaces. (School desks, for the most part.) That...