maybe we cud organise me, u and sum uvva zombies inc guys on a specific day, like this saturday, and spend ages trying 2 do it ??? maybe, plz respond
olly, we reli need 2 try vidmaster agen soonish and thn as soon as odst coms out well do all vid masters on dat if any are multiplayer any well...
how??? hi, agen, how did u get so many objects on the map? coz i can never get tht many a: i run out of money, an b: it says the object limit is...
i think it looks great mate, keep up the good work, who ever it was that made it :S lol, but i agree with the some of the others aswell, the...
olly! wen we doin halo????
Wooo! nice one, vending machine = awsome, city scape = awsome, everything else = AWSOOOOME! good job mate =)
olly!!!! y does it say unsc trainee on my profile but urs is a guerilla? pleese tell me coz i want it changed! :P i dnt like bieng trainee :'(