wah wah wah, all u do is cry and insult others, expecting no retaliation from others because u have abusive power. yes, i admit it IS nice of u to...
just like stupidity derives from me...? nice one....reeeeaaal mature. so what if faggotry IS derived from ******, i didnt call anyone that, so,...
yup, especially since u didnt catch the whole difference between ****** and faggotry...? i did not call anyone in the SB a ******. i said...
why do u have to act like a douche? >:[ i swear, u need to NOT be a moderator.... u have shitty judgment.
nice map. beautiful aesthetics. that second screenshot reminds me of the bottom of one of the bases from N64's Conkers Bad Fur Day when u play...
DUDE!!! i didnt even say it, i said "faggotry". totally different. u and that other guy, ASC(?), were nagging at each other and calling each...
Anything Big Team cuz its easy for multikills and it just breathes "splattertastic" and also Team snipers cuz i love sniping and if anyones u for...
i thought they were pretty funny, if at least one person is satisfied, then id say the video did its job. also, im pretty sure u dont need...
I posted an old thread a looong time ago under a diff name, Sonic Boxers, and I asked what would be a good gamertag change, as long as it had my...
WHAT?! Dag does not die!!! ....does he..? :'( IDK about saddest thing I've ever seen, but heard would have to be I'll find a way by Rachel...
lolfail, but ya, welcome! pretty chill place to kill time, get involved in the community or watever if u feel like it. im guessing someone will...
what? hes a genius! i completely understand now... lol, jk seriously tho, why debate about gravity? about 90-something% of the world believes its...
What'd you do? I did absolutely nothing. I tried to play my Xbox 360, but I never made it through my first match, it 'developed' RRoD. Again....
aww, dang. lol sorry 'bout that ol' chap, ill see to it that it wont happen again. :D and also thx for being so lenient and giving me a warning...
ok..? :|
true, and io also dont mean to sound mean or offensive, although i kno i most likely already have... but you dont need to self proclaim urself as...
i dont wanna seem like a nag, but so far within the last half hour ive been on, ive noticed that about 3 of ur latest posts have either been...
covie sniper and human sniper? o wait... covie shoots quicker and if shots are well spaced (timewise) no reload, ever. sniper different fire rate...
isnt there gonna be another event, although not as big, during the weekend of 13th-15th?
fail. why go after the sniper if ur not very good with it. u should stick to ur calling: AR... and thats from me, a "random" HA :)