Thanks, but no, Epitaph did'nt influence me when forging Hallow. look like Hallow. is a mix of a lot maps because a much of poeple said that...
------------ Hallow. ------------ By IISharpFoxII There is my really first reach forged map. Hallow. is a 4v4 symetrical closed map in...
I tested it out with you and gunnergrunt 1 or 2 games, after, I saved it and delete my other construct remake because this is not a remake, this...
Oval Street V2 is ready for all with Additionnal path that change the whole gameplay!! download it here; : Halo 3 File Details
No school today! So i gonna test the map all the day. For the bridge, i thinked a long time for that is better to access it or not, I concluded...
Thank you. -Yes, the map is perfectly symetrical. -Yes, the map have a good balance of cover. -Yes, the middle (; broke part on the floor) can...
-------- UpHeaval. ---- Made For T8 team of NoX-ArK clan ( This is a BTB map for CTF, TS, BOMB, Territories by IISharpFoxII...
Pretty good. There's my version Jessy [IMG] I need to work on the N
After couple of testings with you, i need to say that this asset map is my favorite. Really exciting gameplay, well forge. Good job!
Update, Face-up; ready (New name) Station B4; i put some more cover and block the access of the vehicules to the ennemy territory. I tested a...
The map Station 097 is a try to a new kind of conquest; BTC (Big Team Conquest). I made a game variant for it. (longer capture etc) It's a first...
The idea of a submerge map is very cool, and the boat getting you out of the water is crazy. You get the originality point. But for the map...
Yeaaahh im the blue guy!! ( in the pics im always dying, but i won the game XD) An other sweet map Jess, keep forging originally like that. Very...
like i say just up to you "Don't take care about that, continue your map, if my version help you, it's cool. I am always open for better version "
I am not the creator of the game variant. So i don't think about that, i gonna change the name. for the front and the back, i was don't...
i post this map on a older account long time ago in a wrong way, so i post again but in a good way ---------- Esperance. ------ hey this is my new...
hey, this is my older map in sandbox called; ---------- The White House. ------ (i post this map in an older account here, but in a wrong way,...
No the map is not linear.. but for the competition, my conquest map is coming ;) Jo, you did an other time a pretty well forging job. The map...
Thank you all for he returns, now the map is full (i ran out of place in the map). So it'S gonna take me some more time to do the changements. You...