Just don't be a ****up like me and spend all day on xbox, then when It's taken put a broken one where it was and keep playing while hiding it....
Well hello there. Watch out for Sargey, read the rules and have fun. I'd forge with you if I had an xbox. I just come for the community here lol....
Username: Stealth9Sneaker
Ummm, skype lets you text without a Mic. lol
Sleek and Simple, do you have Skype or MSN? It would help a lot.
Looks nice, want to make me one? I can inject it myself. I used to mod so I know how. lol
Have fun, watch out for Sarge. Check out the rules, the forging 201, and forging 101 of course. Stick with the community and learn a little,...
NOT ADVERTISING, simply showing how cheap a fast desktop computer can be. Total Build Price: $988.91 Foxconn Motherboard $119.99...
I'd help you out if I had Halo still. Also, I learned to build computers when I was 7. Hit me up for anything you need, if I can grab a copy of...
So I heard you are white theorem now.
REMOVAUSE SSARGE R MEANY Guess what the blurry picture on the top left is.
Not my forum, I set it up for someone. I'm a web developer and moderator on it. I was asked to be one.
I was sad for a totally different reason. Also my grandpa was a **** and made me laugh before he took the picture.
I've septuple booted once. You pretty much have to build a hackintosh to run OSX on a PC.
[IMG] I'll show more later, I'm going go to school and install a second copy of windows for recovery purposes.
Very correct. Do that, and if your graphics card can't take it then get a different one or use one monitor.