with edit coordinates, its almost a lost cause now. in H3, it would be torture to lose a block. with the new system, its meh. a polygon system...
alright man thanks a lot. that eod one is sick too.
if it isnt too much trouble it would be cool to have another helmet avatar like i have now, they are really cool. do you think i could get the...
why dont you erase the ums? it was annoying. and do it your own damn self, we have better things to do than fix other peoples maps because they...
i would be happy if i could get a santa hat in my sig and avvy. but just avvy would be cool too.
if you want something to do, than do the accomadations. those are challenging enough, and are just what you want, because they dont randomly...
i would love to see a video of this mpa, but looks crazy and pretty fun. i really want to see this done.
looks pretty dang great. great aesthetics, i love the way you used rocks on walls. just a pretty looking map. corridors look nice and open for...
wow. seems pretty creative and fun. i like it. i think you should add some distinction aestheticaly, but it seems fun for small intense matches....
i leave my xmas lights on all year. on a side note, what a great map, a great writeup, and its pretty sweet that wood and leaf just happen to...
but if you made them spawn in midair, right under the colliseum wall, it shouldve worked. instead of having it be predictable with only 4 spawn...
what i was going to do was have it so he is trapped on a bridge, and there is a street on either side of him, so he would have to turn around and...
what about if the falcon lands on the circle? couldnt the falcon just camp on the ground?
this almost looks like a state-dance map from cosmic rick. that giant base actually looks pretty well built. as long as it isnt annoying in the...
the required objects guide that is stickied would be the place to go. its in the reach forge discussion forum, towards the top of the page.
it seems like most of your stuff is easier to do that with. you have pretty casual maps usually, not super competitive, like back in H3 you did...
thats some sexy stuff bud. now that you are featured on the bungie blog, want to release how to do it? especially since you are verified as the...
this is how we react when you post something begging for attention, saying hey guys look what i did! and nothing else. if you posted how to do it,...
a planned map is a happy map. too many maps are just random structures, and they generally suck. only planned maps will have ideal gameplay,...
yeah, use your bridges and inclines. did you even look through your pieces? its pretty easy to find something.