Hey Forgers, I have a request, i would like if some one would find/create a picture, of an aerial view of Sandbox, Sky box, ground and crypt, with...
Sweet im in. GT: RozernDevil TimeZone: GMT +8 Age: 15 Please don't ruin the RP name, with this, You need to sett a budget/ amount of objects a...
To be honestly, i liked it how you had to pre-order it to get Sargey J. If they then release it on Marketplace, straight away, he will lose...
Yeh, that would've been a good example. Thanks for the Move. Althought i've got no results back, yet.
You've got me all wrong, im asking for a Screenshot or graphics, modded in some way.
Hello All,:happy: I've recently thought up story lines, and background information about various Marines/UNSC Units. And i are now, wondering if...
Gamertag: RozernDevil Times you can get on: Pretty much every 2nd day. Mic yes/no?: Yesm. Something describing yourself: Laid Back, although...
Doesn't matter anyway, just moments ago, the xbox tilted and scratched the hell out of my game. Got a new copy from Cash Converters, gonna get...
Hey Forger's, Come online now and add RozernDevil Im starting a forge, and looking for players. I have a mic, so more talk about maps and what...