This looks like a good concept. I don't think that Griffball would work right with all the soccer mechanics useable. Btw, they're man cannons....
That would be epic Though, limits or not, oddball will be insane
Rank, 10 Sens, 7 Should there be a limit as to how low your rank can be?
Cant believe no ones done this yet.... (noble 6): OMG!!!1! HE'S FIRIN"N HIS LAZORZ!!!!!1!!!1
I'll try this out this weekend. Will play this with and without the banshe, and get back to you on that.
The Hazer [IMG] Also, the Lego halo group ad a new vehicle contest. (please don't hate on the hobby :( )
Awesome, you have my dl. I vote that every video made about asset must have that music
I'm thinking I might try this. Can I? If I make it, I'll give you all the credit.
Changing implies that the values can change in either direction. Infinity is a constant value. It's just that value is always bigger than we can...
This is beautiful. The only thin i don't like is that the flags on the tin cups are collision free. If they were solid, the ghost couldn't...
All i can find is a rar file that my computer doesn't know what to do with
Sorry to sound noobish, but... I can't figure out how to even start the game. Any help here?
Can someone upload a crypt modle, mabe even some parts to work with? That would be awesome.
It is possible. Here's a quick tutorial; Something cool is that all the immovalbe objects will float in the water. So, let a door float and...
Do you mind if I start something like this for me and my freinds?
Looks nice. Will dl. One thing: 3st floor?
Thank you! Turns out I've been doing it wrong the whole time.
Aggg! It's not working!
So, I have been searching around, trying to find some way to link my gamertag so I can download maps. All I can find is for the old Xbox. Any...
Thanks for the warm welcome! I hope to get as firmly lodged in the community as I can, cuz' I'm gonna need help (and lots of it) :)