I have offered my help several times. I have sent you friend requests and you have removed me. It is you that is distancing yourself from...
I always loved forging and Halo 3. I love anything that has to do with Halo 3. Before i left on my quest to race my bike for 8 weeks i did start...
Thanks for the great reviews and the drama that came with this map needs to stop. thanks, c u l8er
we just finished a map you cant cheat on its called wallrider we will release it sometime this week.
This map is our most recently released map, I encourage all racers to try this out.
All maps posted on forge hub have fun :)
..:::Mongoose race track "Explosion" on Construct:::.. Plays 2-8 people, track starts out at the bottom of the map, then you drive to the top and...
..:::Mongoose race track "Splash Track" on Last Resort:::.. Download gametype found below. There are huge jumps some with air lifts, i used...
..:::Mongoose race track "Death by Bridge" on Sandtrap:::.. Its finally here the Death by Bridge racetrack. I have spent a little less than a week...
...:::Mongoose Race Track "Epic Track" on Epitaph:::... Epic Track, an excellent Epitaph race track. This map takes some driving skill/practice to...
..:::Mongoose race track "Narrow Escape" on Narrows:::.. Another great map, the VIP hill is in between the 2 man cannons surrounded by active...
..:::Mongoose Racetrack "Super MarioCart" on Valhalla:::.. Download gametype found below. All 4 huge jumps cross the river with air lifts, i used...
...:::Mongoose Race Track "Impossible" on Guardian:::... Me and a friend were sitting in pregame lobby talking about the maps i have made and he...
...:::Mongoose Race Track "Drag Race" on Highground:::... I came up with this grate idea couple days ago and i have been wanting to make it every...
..:::Mongoose race track "DeathTrap" on Sand Trap:::.. After making an awesome map called submerged i came into this map confident that i will do...
...:::Mongoose Race Track "Tight Quarters" on The Pit:::... C u l8er and I have recently added 3 maps to our collection of race tracks. I present...
..:::Mongoose race track "Submerged" on High Ground:::.. Wow here it is the map that all my friends wanted me to make a race track on. Submerged...
...:::Mongoose Race Track "Speedway" on Snow Bound:::... This is a circular race track around snowbound that is extremely fun. You start out next...
...:::Mongoose Race Track "Gravalation" on Isolation:::... c u l8er and I have recently completed a new mongoose racing map in our series. After...
...:::Mongoose Race Track "4 Wheeling" on Snow Bound:::... Well here it is after hours of testing and testing with my friends i have finally came...