the same as halo reach's pretty much. with the lack of rendered films, obviously.
yeah they took it down right away. but me and a few other people on the waypoint forums were able to access it. i tried adding a map to my queue...
I just randomly checked my Halo 4 stats on Halo Waypoint and saw that online file share browsing is up! I didn't see any announcements yet, so I...
some complaints: 1. the map looks very sloppy. try using the coordinates & rotation snaps when making walls and such - it makes the objects...
lol idk why it reminded me of Sonic Adventure Battle 2 (or whatever it was called). haha good memories:)
just a quick question - what would you say this map is? an adventrue puzzle (look at The Mothership or Poseidon's Lair for examples), a jump map...
just as a heads up you may want to put a preview thumbnail up because that way it'll attract more people (which means more downloads.) but back...
^he said he has to fix it. per i posti futuro, assicurarsi che si e in grado di scaricare la mappa variante prima di postare qui sul sito....
hey dude i just downloaded this map and i really like how you based the whole map basically in the air. reason being is because you can make the...
i dont mean to sound mean, but there's already like 10 remakes of this same map (dating to when Reach first came out). but congrats on your...
wait for the 5th one you said we have to find something (a key)? but yet i just ran right through the landmines and made it to the end before they...
haha i just downloaded this. i guess this is why you were asking me earlier about making a puzzle lol i can see that your in the mood again....
yea they all don't spawn... sorry :(
lol i didnt even have to say your name and you knew i was talking about you :) its not like a bad thing, since i constantly keep playing the...
^^ haha thanks a lot man! i try to make puzzles not too hard, but not too easy. me, myself, get easily fustrated with puzzle maps if i can't get...
judging by the pictures, it doesn't look fantastic. doesn't mean im not going to try it, but to me it looks like you're jumping the majority of...
TecH was telling me about this map on friday, and I really cannot wait for it to be released! I've been playing your puzzles since the very first...
so, when can we expect Act 1 to come out? very soon? cause Act 2's really fun and my friends were like "lets play Act 1" and i was like all :( and...
damnit... cause i originally had a wall there blocking people from getting on top, but i removed it to finished building the last puzzle area....
lol whoops... how'd you even get up there anyway?