this song changed me, YouTube - Dear My Friend by Brent Cash (Sonic Unleashed Closing Theme)
few people hate money, dunno why, but live and let live
well as im no religeous, who created god, he coudnt create himself because how could he if he didnt exist on the time that he created himself,...
well because i been playing spore on stop this week, money does bring you happiness if you dont use it to buy planet busters "you think we'll be...
alot of religeous people hate those type of questions
think how good the world would be if footballers didnt get overpaid, animals will survive, co2 emissions will lower because people could afford...
well when sonic heroes came out when i was 14 i always got game over, sure i curse a few times and throw the controller on the sofa, but i never...
whats a whirm, not trying to take this off topic so dont send me warning please
well think how big russia is, all that water cant cover all that up, can it? if your thinking about your area i mean the human race, not english...
it wont, think about the big places in the world like russia
UPDATE: it cant end, because when its december 21 2012 in austraila, it will still be 20 over here, and when its 21 over here, it will be 22 over...
its pretty much been proven your very opinionated besides, no need to be so defensive and threataning lions nate:watch this YouTube -...
eveloution has already been proven, you can thank charles darwin
i use 10 for my machinima's, i make them head bob extreme like=3
true, if only people understand that their opinions arnt always right any way, maby god made a black ball for science class but then zeus threw...
the head master of my school dosnt like xbox live, he says its anti social
im the only one with a nintendo game :'( nintendo DONT SUCK some guy: p*ssy
right. anyway, if god did exists he could just be a giant form of matter in space, or the universe it self O.o
violent videogames are there for relaxation of killing for a hour or two