You should maybe put Killballs in the roof to give it a warmer feel. That'd be cool...I mean warm. o_O
Like this. Which I believe is your map. [IMG] Is it just aesthetics or is there inner gameplay as part of it??
I guess lower the speed of the survivors so the zombies can catch up or you could make roadblocks of sorts. Can the survivors shoot back or pretty...
Will do
Maybe do SvE slayer/Conquest? so it can be more of a difference between the two sides. What are the damage modifiers? You should also, on the...
Could it be possible to make the Falcon a Safe Haven, change the gametype over to that, but keep the Falcon spawn at 3 mins and once you've been...
Yeah, you should set the jump to 0%, color the walls on blue team, put in two blue lights, and a ceiling. That would be really, really cool. It'd...
Nice! I loved your first course and swiftly downloaded this one. Good to see your still making these, I have a lot of fun with these. 5/5
Boxing Recommended Sizes: 3-16 My gametype Boxing is exactly that, you punch people and they die. (I haven't been in the custom games...
It looks like a pretty good wizard/warlock remake but there have been quite a few of these done already. It seems to have some fun architecture...
This could be quite good for infection, but could definitely use getting revamped with some internal architecture. Basically stuff to hide behind...