I care that you are back:O Lol so about your map: I love the look of your map the sunburst looks amazing! And i'm sure it plays as well as it...
Wow it looks amazing! I love everything about the map I'l download it for sure! I love that the map is not square but circular:) If you have other...
hey man go take a look at my map I posted ( Merryxmas ) there is a little suprise for you at the end ;p:)
Hello everyone :) I hope you all had a great chrismas! so this is my first post and I would like to have feedbacks good or bad but not things like...
Wow it's amazing you were a great forger in halo 3 and in reach your incredible :O We did'nt play togheter since halo 3 and I would not be suprise...
Good map men!! Its very difficult to do good maps whit no immovable object but you did it! good job :D
add me on live my gamertag is xavbio i wanna play some asset whit u!! :D choow
kool! if you have time i wanna test some asset maps and maybe your asset map whit u add me my gamertag is xavbio! continue to do good forge man!
best map ever :O its amazing! :P keep forging like that jakob your the best :P
Dude this map is soooo cool and i agree the idea of alextrer it would be so niice if you do a asset map will this!! continue to do forge like...