Thank a lot for the help guys!
Any idea why the box moves? Because this happens on all maps, and most objects and I'm getting reaaaalllllyyyy pissed
It happens to me all the time and it's notticable and looks like crap
Ok so I ghost merged a box on longshore i make sure it's strait, let's say the box I ghost mege was red when I placed it. After I save and reboot...
What's the best halo map in you opinion? And why, this could be made by either bungie or user made, please don't say blood gulch because I'm...
Hey I'm just wondering when the next fh template contest is I've never tried one and I want to try one more before reach. anyone know?
Alright this is my third post on FH, About 200 members saw my first map preview, U-turn and after a some feedback (a lot which was very helpful)...
Heys, i was think about making a map that would play every gametype at-least somewhat fun. But its been getting really hard to think of all the...
i had an idea of the middle building and i thought it was cool but its not complete yet and now i was to work on the sides of the map to test LoS...
Alright this is my first map and I've only worked on it for three days. Its a U-shaped map built on foundry, its as symetrical as foundry gets. At...
host wait you said i have to be host? does that mean there has to be more than one player playing with me? Because im the only one who likes...