Welcome to Forghub! it looks like your post is up to standards but you have left a few unanswered questions like what is the minimum amount of...
[IMG] Created By Indigo Supported Gametypes: Slayer, Koth, Oddball and Multi Flag Recommended Players:4v4 Recommended Gametypes: Slayer, Mosh...
I wouldn't necessarily say that the mancannon's do the work for you they just shoot the ball strait you still have to aim and push it in the right...
Lol we could be the Indigo's Im sorry I "Used" your name before you.
Well i did try more pins but I found it was to hard to knock them over and the ball would get slowed down and often would not make it to the ball...
Okay here's Three reason's why pallet's are NOT a good idea 1. They Are way to big and I would only be able to fit 3 in my bowling alley. 2. The...
Looks like a pretty open map nothing fun nothing special good forging it needs more cover though and your not supposed to name your thread with...
I' m sure if you've downloaded the map by now you would see that the power ups are completely unattainable even if you grenade jump it's just for...
I did think about that before it would kind of be hard to organize 5 or 10 people every time you want to bowl this way you can bowl solo. And as...
No one cares if they explode which they rarely, Rarely do. nobody else has a problem with fusion coils they are ultimately better. And please do...
Are you serious dude pallets that would be terrible how are you supposed to set them up again? they don't look anything like pins and it would...
There is a teleporter in there have you even played the map?
Thanks Dummy, I'm Glad you like my map.
Looks like a nicely forged map but, I feel like I haven't seen the entire map you might wan't to consider posting more screenshots. Just a thought.
hmm? why?
It belongs here because even though there is no way of scoring you are still playing a mini game
This looks like a pretty good first map it has nice merging but more merging would make it better and you also might wanna work on maneuverability...
Wow this map looks spectacular! I can't even contemplate how hard that would be to merge that all together perfectly I don't see any mistakes so 5/5.
Ahh good question you can't see them but I actually have man cannons in the gutters so they shoot them towards thee back therefore getting...
Looks like a well made map but those pictures are so small you might wanna fix that so it's easier to see details. did you use photobucket?