Well the reason there is no mauler is because there is already a rocket plus if i added a mauler you could hold down bottom mid very very easily...
really nice forging not a fan of enclosed areas but you seem to have but alot of effort into this little area which i like it might be better...
well yeah the famas is kinda too faded but the text in my sigs always stand out because i think they look better jsut personal point of view but i...
the text removes from the focal take some text lessons plox?!!~111?/
y kAnT I LaeZ HeRe?
jacuzzi picture is not showing try re uploading it and i actually REALLY like this map great job on this looks like it would be interesting 4/5
This is a new signature i was working on for a while i didn't use any renders besides the c4ds the guy was a stock. anywho the design was made for...
I like the black but dont like the blending :\ the guy stands out too much :P
wow very nice forging simple map but made too perfection 4.5/5 keep up the good forging
So wen iz tis mapp gawnna bEE feechaiREd an IN MatchmaCkin"" ayY broH!11///.!!!//???
Ok so you didn't use any geo merging / interlocking which i find pretty different considering how ok it is. it's a well made map for not merging.
Well I am not saying you have to strictly use the gametype it's whatever you wanna play it's just that what i was trying for was a warm up map for...
nvm i downloaded it and i love this map it it worked so well and i had alot of fun on it the sniper works the best on this map out of all other...
you have too strong of a gradient mapping and only used pentool and cropped the eyes which is good but usually you shouldn't cover the focal
nice job love this idea something new and very creative you used like all the best ideas and mixed it and used original ideas in your gametype and...
nice to see you are making something good on longshore this looks pretty good but the snipers could easily jump down and just get really close to...
CTF i believe doesn't even work on this map i believe i have the flag and the flag return but it sucks on it so just stick with slayer and KOTH...
well you can always just add a box anywhere then set spawn time to 180 and not at start then place "un-mergable item" inside where the box spawns...
good forging man it reminds more of guardian a lot but i bet that's what you were going for i love that map though guardian is the best map in my...
hmm youve added more pics i see i like the look of it i think there might be too much cover because citadel is an enclosed map enough I'd try...