ATRIUM Recommended for 4 - 8 players Plays well with CTF, TS, KotH and Ball . Atrium is my third forgeworld map. It have very much halo CE...
Generator Slayer map what i have worked 30 hours about. it have 2 lifts and 2 floors. Weapon List : 2 Needler Rifles 3 DMR'S Rocket 4...
did u get inspired by my map ? :o ( br-box ) . anyway u meaby can add some cover so you dont get spawn killed so often. ps : dont take the...
I will make some new gametypes when i have some free time..
XYNIS (Mlg map) :omg: INFORMATION Symmetrical four based MLG map, what needs testing. I have forged it about 1½ month. And it supports all MLG...
sorry about information.. i was busy.. now it have something. and yes.. you just br each other.. :D
INFORMATION : You just br each other. Map have some cover so you dont get spawn killed so mony times. GAMETYPE : Gametype is same as normal...
Sketch up I dont have much to say about this. Four based MLG map. so here is some pic's (and this is my first post ever in forgehub so tell me...