Any tips on getting Par on Mombasa Streets as quickly as possible on Heroic? I found a Ghost after NMPD HQ, so I don't want to start a new...
I found one mongoose cache after beating Alpha Site. Only had 4 audio clips, so I think campaign progress affects it.
Skull Name: Fiesta Time Skull Description: Hope you get lucky... Skull Image: Question Mark Skull Effects: Every time you spawn, you get two...
Elite (matchmaking): Flight Helmet, Flight Right Shoulder, Assault Left Shoulder, Commando Body. Spartan(Custom Games): Scout Helmet, EVA Right...
Name: Anti-Flood Grenade Description: Looks like six Forerunner turrets (equipment) geomerged together. It's spiky. Designed to combat Flood...
Never played with that kind of people. Just leave party. Saves you a lot of time. The Custom Games I've played are really simple, fun but boring...
I don't use Bumper Jumper. Legacy Southpaw+Default.
For Campaign: 4. Auto-targeting gets annoying. For everything besides Grifball: 8. And 10 for Grifball.
If you could make it an hour earlier, I would gladly join. Don't have the achievement either. Pacific Time Zone. Gamertag: Dundee7i
I think the banshee spawn time is good, though it would be better if they're easier to kill. The heavies are less maneuverable than the Banshee,...