simples no's just don't cut it anymore, huh?
I don't know how that happened, but its sick, just saw that on bnet
lol, this makes me wonder what gugnir or whatever its called looks like in this scene
this is pretty easy, get a black backround, shoot a plasma shot, look through it. The effect is very nice however, it has a very calm feel to it....
is this what you're looking for?
-pen&ink and juicy -killballs -evade there's your guide But seriously there's not much better so far, these are the best pics out there at the...
One word: zoom
sweet lighting
I'll suggest some -kill ball -dmr -elites -assassinations -recon (or some other helmet) -campaign(a picture of noble 1-5) -scenery -funny
I vote for meeky, though it may not have been the best executed, it has the best effect by far and I love the color blend
no, there is no de-spawning, if you really need to move something at a specific time, you'll have to be clever
oh yeah forgot about armor lock, but please orange, don't do themes like "anger" or "ying and yang" or anything like that, they don't really apply...
Don't do electricity, there's nothing that looks remotely "electric" in reach except for the plasma pistol
I suggest you recycle old themes, its just plain the easiest way to do it
Age [IMG]
Its juicy and pen and ink, knock yourself out. That 3rd one is one of the best shots I've seen with that effect yet, overall 9*
Not bad, imo scenery shots are the easiest shots to take, and this one isn't very unique so I'm not a fan of it. The second one reminds me of...
nice shot there!
Isn't there a rule against double posting like this?
Thank you! someone gets it!