This map has everything! A huge drop, a huge jump, not to mention the fact that it takes up almost all of Sandbox! 10/10+Download
It looks extremely boring and dull. No twist? Nothing special? Meh, just looks like another boring Asset map to me. You need to do something...
Apparently I'm not going to be getting any criticism about my wallpaper? You twits were so busy trying to determine whether or not it belonged to...
-Added 2 more ideas (I think the last may be a bit much xD) Anyone attempt one of these yet?
Stickiness Achieved!! Finally, after weeks of waiting, it's finally stickied (Thank you very much, Aaron)! To celebrate, all links have been...
Actually, it works both ways. Everytime I go, unless at least 12 people rush me at once (without powerups) I can easily get them all. I've done a...
Yea Seaboro, working on it. But I'm busy so try not to expect anything soon. What I will, do, for now, is replace all of the links with updated...
Exactly. Thread is open for everyone to look at all kinds of maps, especially ones that may be good or have potential. For the ones that are bad,...
Anyone else have any maps to show? So far, all of them have been great!
This reminds me a lot of my map, Temperum. I'd love to help you with this project. If you need any tips or suggestions (Second I looked at the...
Southern California, you? ;D
Made some changes to the thread: -Changed color to red (Other color was nasty and boring) -Added an idea -Clarified some stuff I see tons of...
Don't worry bout this guy, he's just a picture *****. What's your problem, it's not like he can't see the whole picture! It's right there! You...
Awesome, glad to see we have some posts. Looking forward to new maps being posted into this thread.
Angry that your amazing map is pushed to the bottom? Pissed off because your newest creation is being completely destroyed by newly forged maps,...
Here are his pictures: [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Please fix your screenshots as soon as possible as well as maybe explaining your map more.
Map Ideas
Aww, MetaWaddleDee, all you used was EH3ment, not anyone else! I helped him test this game with about 8 other people or so and I have to admit,...
Good rating system, but I fail to see how not having "gunfire" is a negative. You want gunfire? Have a second person shoot at you while you are...