Also, OP, if you dont mind spending about $550, buy This and This and swap out the mags, pure epic haha
I might get $400 soon, any suggestions? i tried to get a UHC Modular Super 9 Sniper and it sucked ass, a waste of $80 if you were wondering. I'm...
in the original version of halo 1, before the game was released, there was a machete. they took it out for a reason. think about it.
based on this, why not have, every 60 seconds, a new ramp spawn? UBER DIAGRAM TIEM. ............| | ...........Ramp ............| | _____ [...
zomg love it. especially the part where the evil scientist flings the weapons acrros the universe. lul.
i DL'd this, and I hate you. for making a map that I can't beat. >=( but anyway, great job. =D
I know, i wasnt saying,PUT MW2 IN HALO OMGAWDS!!!, i was saying, something along the lines of, you can create your own bases, or use their own...
quoted. ON TOPIC- All these sound pretty cool, i think maybe bungie should add in a new weapon/base thing (under a new section called bases) the...
is it hugeass?
like a pressure switch?
this sounds like it could work. perhaps disable zombie weapon pickup, and place a fairly rare weapon in the ones where zombies spawn? Or, you...
lol, this looks pretty cool. the two killballs at the front make it look like a **** though, lol.
this looks pretty good. if you want, i can help with the Forging and the gametype, but not tonight. tomorrow possibly. EDIT: you could rename the...
yay! i'm glad this is back. I didn't get a chance to do the ODST one, and i think I'll do this one.
I love you. I have been waiting for this to be said, and I did not think I could have put it better.
I am woking on a variety of maps all at once, I was wondering if anyone wanted to take on 1 or 2 of them, just to take them off my hands for a...
Nice double post! in a single post, too! anyway, I could help you in my spare time, if you wish.
^UBER ****ING BUMP^ now that this is alive again, i think that bungie should, just for the hell of it, remake every single halo CE map and put...
ok, ill send you a FR, what i meant (explaining in more detail, as asked) was that we wouldn't LITERALLY be facing vertical, but making the entire...