its maybe best u decline it then? , beacuse I dont wanna play in lag :S
[IMG] Lithium Made by: Jolley34, EP 12 Description: This is a map made for MLG team slayer, and its an small map with some cool...
Can you please remove this post I press the wrong buttom ... I should press preview post but I pressed submit... or can I do somthing to take it away?
yep okey
OKey when are you online on friday? , cant you play now? im online now...
+1 GMT , I think you are 1 hour after my land?, I wanna play at the middle not on the morning...
sure, whats your time zone?
What time shalll we play?
hmm think saturday would be the best day... what do you think?
Which time do you wanna play and what day?
No im from sweden with the time zone +1.00
what time? and what date?
sure! : Halo 3 File Details Check it out! call it what you want I call it , Auch thats hurt alot. // Jolley34