Cheesy Cheese
Yeh sorry about that I thought I had removed it - it should be off now
It would help people to have it all in one thread, when I was starting out with forge just being able to click forging 101 and see all the...
I'd love to see this map end up on matchmaking, its brilliant.
It just means anyone new to forging can just go straight to one thread with all the information they need to get started n then advance and like...
Could someone add a quick simple guide to using Google SketchUp
Hey I was just thinking the forging 101 for halo 3 let new people to forge get to know what to start off with and then started to show more...
Very smooth, mabye a bit boring but good to pass time on a smooth map with no annoying bumps.
This looks amazing, too bad there wasn't enough budget for the gametype but the map is great and the drop pods are really cool.
Cheers for sharing that information. Im sure new techniques will be found or secrets let out to be shared to the community.
Can this get a sticky
This should be added to a guide somewhere its useful information
I find sitting around a corner is too boring for me, I normally wait for a while then decide to move and as soon as I do someone comes up behind...
Hey I was wondering if anyone was thinking about making a screenshot guide like the one of the Halo 3 forums. It was a very useful guide and let...
Amazing post for an amazing map, funky work!
Nice work!
I dont think you would get banned, people went out of all the halo 3 maps, such as the blocked guardians sandbox map. This sounds very difficult...
Keep posting I would love to see if you can get to some new places such as the mountains, good luck
Hey im trying to make a neutral ctf map and at the moment I have a flag stand in the middle of my map and two capture plates. When I go on my map...