making a map for bungie map contest, add me if you want to help, -DarkBlades gt darkblades25
Obsticle Course. I want to make an obstacle course.
Add me!!! Gamertag: DarkBlades25 BUT If your a Forger, send me a friends request at BladesForge (my friends list is full so send me a...
Anyone have a cavas that allows you to get more out to sea in High Ground? Theres a particular map im forged HG im talking about, called...
lol well I forgot the invention of youtube was present, I checked and know how to do it. Just the lack of someone to do it with me. oh well.. I...
Have you seen it done?
Im forging around in rats nest, is there a way to get into the room on the very top center. It has glass covering it. It has 2 sides. Is there...
Hello, The News As some of you know, over the past few days I have been at hard(sort of) work on getting our clan(ForgeTeam25) setup. And as of...
I updated details, im sending more friends request to those who want in.
Your not getting the point of this team. Let me explain in depth.... When Bungie made Halo, they could of went out and asked for people to come...
Depends what you mean by suck for forge... In my eyes all maps with the exception of Foundry are not forge friendly. But thats just another...
a plan/challenge of teamforge future projects is to create a BOUND games. Where a player or Players, must reach a certain destination, getting...
Thanks for the replies, I have sent everyone interested a friends request through gamertag: Teamforge25 If you want to reach me, just look under...
Hello, Hi and thanks to all willing to answer and discuss my question. Thanks for looking also :P. What king of game would you like to see or...
Happy Bungie Day to you then. :) P.S. Maps wont be avaliable to Aussie untill Bungie Day reaches Pacific Coast, aka PST. Bungie is located in...
I thought about this as well. What if, this is what the earth is naturally doing? Either way, burning fuel is helping. -_-
Awesome, the more the merryer :P however thats spelt, thanks for joining DeeFour. My Plan: Large Team, Large enough to where we can create maps,...
i accidentally blocked someone after they invited me into there game. How do I unblock them? DONT POST ANYTHING ALTERNATIVE LIKE: OH WHY NOT...
I want to gather up a bunch of mature and serious forgers to join me in creating maps. As a team, we will put our minds together to create works...
maybe the second coming of jesus christ. -_-