or they would remake the campaign too with teh better graphics. That would be fairly interesting
Backbreaker Terribly under rated yet has a phisics engine that beats Madden all day
Halo Reach Just Cause 2 What about NHL 11?
To me every single new call of duty game is the same with just new maps and campaign. The guns and attachments are really similar with few new...
Kinect no doubt. I always hated holding onto a controller on the wii and the kinect looks like the sports game is way better
2 because that to me makes me have a steadier shot
I accually agree with the BR. It would be interesting to see the types of plans or rushes teammates would have. But people who are commenting in...
Ho-ly crap. That guy probably hasnt slept for days... But the highest ive seen so far is a brigadier. It isnt that special to see a high rank...
No. They are to small Thats why we have forge world
Hey Guys! I was just wondering what your opinions were on the best football game of the year. I thought Backbreaker was better with the...
Boosting is terrible. People have no patience if they boost. You will get there soon but it will take a while. also when you boost it takes...
I love the infection playlist. The only problem I have is the mass amount of people who camp at spawn on aslum. Also the person with the most...
HLG is awesome. IT makes gameplay that much more funny. Also it takes skill to get into the tougher places in which you cannot be seen or found....
Ahhhh. This spot is the best that could be in all of Halo. I love shooting through the floor and them freaking out. OMG WHO DID THAT!!!!...
I think the helmet will only be available on Halloween day. Then it will be removed and then you will have to accuire every helmet to recieve the...
ANother really nice way to get assists is using armour lock when you are in a duel with somebody and your teammate comes and cleans up the kill....
Not only are there are way more ranks ithan H3 some of the ranks toward the end seem to look pretty sweet. It looks like Bungie put some time...
Wow nice map. The map from the outside looks small but the inside seems larger. The inside is really nice even when dealing with the fixed size...
I second this. THis looks really nice. Although I though the brute chieftan was better i still think this is pretty sweet. Really nice job....
OK thanks guys. Mods lock this