Where did you get the maps?
the last bit is pure speculation.
yeah, so bungie is joining forces with activision/blizzard. Halo Developer Joins Forces With Activision - Bungie - Kotaku i know microsoft owns...
its out now, i just found it before anyone else heres the link:YouTube- 最後一戰:瑞曲之戰(Halo...
I cant really get action shots, my internet got throttled so i cant play halo online, im switching providers soon so i can play halo again soon.
i refer you to a post two posts above yours: " it works with all modes of infection but ive tested it with 'save one bullet' and 'infection' and...
30 ranked 33 social 63 total
EPOC. srls that octopus is awesome, asethetic or will it have a purpose? some time of assault? squid v spartanS?
it works with all modes of infection but ive tested it with 'save one bullet' and 'infection' and i prefer the infection because the weapons are...
WatchTowers DOWNLOAD Play with Infection [IMG] Watchtowers is my second Infection map. It is based in the skybubble however infected spawn...
i got a friend to grab a plasma rifle in forge mode whilst i picked it up as a human i fired it untill it overheated and then the overheat...
Got this fidling with weapons in forge. no im not sharing the gametype ;/ [IMG] It wasn't gangsta enough so i gangsta'd it up a bit:[IMG] enjoi!
cannot wait. oh wait yeah i can i can't afford odst yet so i can wait a bit nice map though definate dl when bungie.net starts working again
LINK HERE [IMG] Jumpstart is my 3rd jump map, it is based in the sky bubble but you start in the default spawns, instead of an overshield a...
lol i just shouted RUN IT YOU SLAG at my screen, cool map definate dl.
i orded mine from game.co.uk months ago it was £35 and i hope the code comes in the box
1. Sup3rGhandi 2. GMT 3. no 4. whenever im online so about 5:00 GMT also i avent got the best connection so i may be lagging/laggy.
can you possible make the leap to game videos? i ask becuase i myself am not a bungie pro subscriber anymore and wan't to edit/post the greatest...
i just made an invisible cage in forge with this glitch my buddy cant turn into a monitor and is trapped lol. awesome find guys