haha, just bin on this and realised that i fogot to save it, so i now no why this looks so bad, i will if i get time post the map again but how it...
no i have found out that u cant, i will soon b making a v2 with more cover and it will also host more gametypes and i now no how the weapon...
Yer snipers is my fave aswell, but on top of the base wasnt meant to be a place to snad on its just a roof :), but i spos i could change it a bit,...
yer sorry if this isnt correct:( only my second map with merging :P and only like 3rd day of using this site, but thanks for the dl and the advice
High Lines Weapons 7 Beam Rifles The reason the only weopon on the map is the beam rifle is because the map is made only for team snipers...
ok ill go take some pic then:) thanks
well this maps looks very good and looks like u put in a lot of effort into this, im gonna try download it in a bit :), also could u check out my...
ok :), if u did use them all then there would be no need to worrie about ammo :P ,
PissedUpMidget Im short and usualy drunk, simple as that
looks promising, also looks good for multi team and team doubles :)
map looks very good, the bases are big and look like they provide safe spawning. only one thing tho, why havbe u used every br?
NightBunker Weapons Battle Rifle 6 on map 2 Spare Clips 30 Respawn time Carbine 4 on map 2 spare clips 30 Respawn time Mauler 1 on map 1...
Map looks very good and cant wait to play it, if i can, im new and this is first post, so my opinion might not b usful to you :)