... Pointless thread but Oh-Dee-essTee
Does anyone know where i can get a Blank Foundry map with the little side rooms cut off? (I dont want to use Grifball court as that wall has the...
whats the dumpstar trick that gets walls straight or something like that?
WOW another reference to the phrase "Only in Halo..."
ummmmmm O.K?
... wow...
Nice map, gratz on featured.
hello, i would like to know some techniques on how you get things perfectly straight, advanced techniques etc. dont add me on xbl as i DONT read...
road to recon first.
SWAT swords? i think its impossible though.
default FTW
U guysw helped a bunch... how do i close a thread?
thats not what youre looking for, if they have a high skill, u WILL and i mean WILL get massacred, thus losing the game and getting your team...
yes... i am younger than 15 (not telling u real age u pervs) year old but still... im WAYYYYY better at forge than alot of people on my friends list
i will help u and 1 other person get the annual achievement, add FlameRazor and/or Bravewesly
thanks, but this was copied off b.net
Can u make a tutorial on Sprint? best screen shot ive ever seen
Urgency was favorute.
LOL lagg much?
... random screenshots...