Jesus Christ! That was a waste of render minutes >>. Maybe I should check it first before I upload it. Is there any way to delete this post now?
I haven't posted a map in a very long time but hopefully you'll be excited to see this one. This isn't my map though. My friend (Gu1tar Her0 07)...
LOL It did take me ten minutes to make. It was something easy to make because I was annoyed and bored. But the tower is supposed to look like that.
Thanks for the nice comment and thanks for facing me in the right direction on how to improve my map. I'll get to it soon.
well, aesthetics just annoy me when I try to get it good so i tried to make something thats not ment to be appealing. i just chucked a load of...
It wasn't for aesthetics, it was for a random junk tower that was hard to get up. (it's supposed to look the way it does) and the alpha zombie is...
I haven't posted in quite a while because I've started projects, got annoyed and stopped so many times. This one didn't take me long, I was just...
I'm downloading this because it looks pure AWESOME! and because I want to use some of the itmes you used but I don't know what it's called and...
This is definately one of the funnest looking maps i've seen in a while, I really like the mountainy area and all the underground tunnely parts on...
Yes that made sense, thanks alot. it was my fault if the run time minimun was at max, I changed it to that for some reason lol. Thanks alot! I'm...
I'm in the skybubble on sandbox and i'm trying to merge something so i've put it to place at start no, but when I start a new round it's already...
I've been looking for this map everywhere! it's going to be so useful. how long did it take to do the crypt blocking because it looks very well...
This map looks has a simple simple but looks really awesome! it looks really smooth with amazing curves and turnsand i really like the way the...
Your right when you said everybody only play it on hide and seek town, it was good at first but I just got bored of it. This map looks alot better...
I love maps like this with different floors, big and with un-bordered pathways. This one looks epic! nice job, definate dl
You really need to embed the pictures before it gets removed and i like the stairs, they look very tidy but what is the point in this map?
Can't say anything without a better description and maybe some more pictures, please fix that and i might dl and give a better opinion.
I think i have seen way to many puzzle maps but as long as its something new it's worth checking out. This map looks like its got very nice...
This map looks AWESOMESAUCE! I'm definately going to download it, even if it is a remake of older maps it looks amazing! definate download. I...
I really like this map, it looks awesome so im definately downloading. The overveiw of the mpa looks magnificant and the whole design of the map...