A DIRTY HOBO 59 submitted a new map: Twisted Treeline - This map is a recreation of the Twisted Treeline from the popular MOBA game League of...
The Twisted Treeline is a symmetrical three lane map built optimized for CTF gameplay. The outer lanes of the map offer greater cover for flag...
It's Reidrum. You should be able to download the map if you add him and look at his saved files.
Is thread bumping allowed?
No offense but isn't this just doge ball in a tennis court?
Hey very nice map :) thanks for being so considerate making a v.2 lol i'll download it and check it out for myself!
It looks like you have spent a long time making and perfecting this map and it really shows! The asthetics are great and it looks like an awesome...
Thanks for your feedback much appreciated :). And the capture plates are there to keep the crates from moving to much when you close it. Ps. I...
Ok im not trying to sound arrogant im defending a map that my friend and i spent hours of work on and then people come to the thread and completly...
Ok first of all, three of the buildings have two entrances and and the rest only have one but ive played this enough to know ity works out fine...
Hey A DIRTY HOBO 59 here again with a map created by me and co created by my friend domanater. It was inspired by a map in halo 3 and it turned...
Wow this obsticale course looks great! I'm deffinetly downloading this it looks like it was very well thought out and forged nice job! 5/5
It looks like you put a ton of effort into this map, the asthetics are wonderful and later today ill see how it plays im sure ill enjoy it! 4/5
its pretty sad that no one commented on this map it looks like you put alot of effort into it and i would love to try it but i see you took it off...
Wow really cool map i havn't played it yet but ill be sure to give it a go, and i will look for the little details because they really do make a...
I havn't tried this yet so i dont know how it plays but it looks like a really cool idea! I can't wait to play this and i hope that the community...
I realy like the map its a great remake and i think you did a wonderful job by keeping the basic elements of the original in this remake. Also i...
Hey DIRTY HOBO 59 here with my newest map in reach. Tubeuler is a symmetrical map that is ment for 2-8 players its close quarters and multi...
Ive played it i loved it you should all give it a try go verike and diabolical!
I was thinking of making it for Team Slayer but i just decided to keep this one for Slayer but anyway thanks for the feedback and i hope to be...