The storyline for odst is way better then CoD MW2. CoD MW2's story is just like the original MW but different place so it isnt like a total sequel...
Why was i warned for spam when i said a map was extremely fun to play and it has nice interlocking
Should thier really be a rating on games for violence,etc. Whats the worst it could do......
Hitler came from a poor and bad family so this is true
i also heard that thier headset are very pricey for a PS Network that is horrible.
What do you think is better post your opinons and please be respectful. And im well aware that halo is only on xbox so we all have a 360.
this is a nice map aesthetically but you didnt follow map posting rules
agreed it does need some work. whats with the field of double boxs?? and i dont see much interlocking.
Very nice remake the interlocking is smooth and clean especially in the train track area but in the train track you went from wall slit to double...
nice preview it looks really nice aesthetically but maybe you could switch the Turrets with either a Br or Carbine Spawn for those small structures
Would Halo3 forge be better if it had a Terrain editor (for outdoor maps Last Resort etc.) tool similar to Far Cry 2's???? Post your thoughts...
if this is true then i guess im an assasin Lol
i saw somewhere where they asked a mayan prince about this and said he had never heard of such. on this same show i guy said Planet X will come...
What really created are world did an explosion really create Earth and its trees,water and Life. Or was it god who granted us the power to live....
Creation because im catholic and the evolution to me makes no sense but thats my opinion
Completley different genre??? Thier both First Person Shooter. Two COMPLETLEY different games are Halo3:ODST and Bioshock 2. Halo being...
agreed!!! i said post your opinions KINDLY you dont have to call me a fanboy kidbomber just cuz i like halo more
what are your opinions between these 2 games i personally prefer ODST because its well its Halo!! If you would kindly compare the two it would...
Welcome to fh if your interested in forging a map together send me a private message or xbl message Gt-st958 Once again welcome to FH hope u like it