Crab Crushing IntenseSenses Twisted mix of mantis physics, a 4v4 mantis brawl. They can't hurt anyone with their gun or rockets, but they can...
It was made not so much with a plan, but to just have fun with it. Its honestly a nice little map. I feel most people would have fun with it in...
Meridyan BY: IntenseSenses This was a little map a made one day, just for whatever reason, i don't know... but it is a good Comp. map, that...
No you can't bounce shot, but if you can learn to aim it into the cups thats good enough. haha Edited by merge: Yeah that would be a nice...
Yeah Mane
HaloPong By:IntenseSenses [IMG] This game is a fun twist on classic HaloBall, now you have to be 21 or older haha Ok, there are two sides, each...
Spectical By IntenseSenses Spectical is a map based off a Cliff in ForgeWorld. It is a four story building with an out-landing area. More...
-Tuna-Ton-Bay- slayer/Team Slayer 1. Two sides, one for each team. 2. Three doors to get to middle. 3. AND a Dock with enclosed lower dock. Pix:...
-Unlimited Bud Glitch- *LongShore* _cleared_ Free space with no troubles. Just read the rules for bud glitch maps, in the main forum. -P.S. if...
-Club~BEAR- This is a club/Hangout place. You get the idea a C-L-U-B BAR [IMG] THE POLE [IMG] POOL [IMG] UP ELEVATOR [IMG] To the LOOKOUT POINT...
Forge i don't like the name but i do like the screen shot [IMG] Download the pic
RelayRaceTr._v2 This is a Relay Race between red and blue teams. In this game you need a min. of 8 players 4v4... and you will go through the...
GalixySnipes A game type for most large scale maps This is a fast pace game with you flying in the air trying to snipe each other. To make more...
ya but i found out how to do this now so it should be easy.
well i have not solved that yet
TROGC Court for the clans that get into the justice system. [IMG] [IMG] Download here if you are a judge
Unlimited Budget Glitch clear sandbox. -Guardians blocked- Forge advantage... a clear map with the advantage of budget glitch with the guardians...
How do you get the tag for my map?
How do you post a thread to the map