Yeah, if the prize was MS Points I would have made a map by now.
Cool, but I don't think I am going to enter the contest anymore because the prize isn't worth it =P
I've thought about making the Golden Gate Bridge, but I'm still not sure.
Are you entering the "7 Wonders of the World" contest?
This map looks awesome. It's cool how part of the race track is wrapped around the tree. And to top it off, this racetrack was made on Ghost Town!...
Tyler is going to get mad, lol.
I see you've posted Grav Chamber and have 117 posts.
Nah, I don't like making maps that much.
Fancy seeing you here.
-Modern Warfare 2 -My own X-box, with a wireless adapter, because I share with my little brother -4000 Microsoft Points -DJ Hero -Some cool Nike...
New Rank: Brigadier New Highest Skill: 45 New Experience: 576 Proof: : Halo 3 Rank History
Thank you for the sig, it's awesome!
So since this is like a Trash Compacter/Garbage Man gametype, you should start off by adding more objects to throw to make it more fun. And some...
It's ok and use what ever size that works better for you.
I don't think this is posted, if it is I am sorry. Just post your service record like this: Rank: [your rank] Highest Skill: [highest skill,...
These are amazing pictures, my favorite one is the first one, but the other two are just as good. You should really use them and resize them for a...
This was the best map, I've ever played in. The grass effect, was just simply amazing.
Here is my question. What is this!?
Hi Bryan! Welcome to the site. I can't wait to see your maps as well.
I like the first the best because Pixel and Ripple are like the same thing, only different colors...and Sun looks basic/plain.