Wow I've got to give you credit, this is thee best Orbital Race Maps I've seen. You got my download!
Just showing off my Screenshots. If you like any in particular please rate them in Now for my Gallery....
Hope you Like Them. Link- My Fileshare Later On I will post a Guide on how to get this Effect. Comment and Rate.
The Last One is my favorite. Great use of Forge to making it a think Bubble.
I think right before he Melee's with the Sniper you'll get that pose.
Its in the Orbital Black Room.
Its most likely located in the Orbital Black Room. He used a Flare, Power Drain, Poor Camo and forced color Black.
Some of these should get a Bungie Favorite. "Defiance" is sweet and so is "Electric". One of those should definetly get Favorited.
Pretty Cool using the "Heavenly Hog" Effect, with the Soccer Ball. But make it so you could see the Spartan more.
Like them. My favorite is Epic Sniper. Keep those screenshots coming.