I was testing things with teleporters today, when i came up with an interesting idea. Sender nodes can define what entities they send. Receiver...
You never cease to amaze me with the new designs you come up with. In short, the beautiful aesthetics of the map have a major impact on my girth...
FIRST My only suggestion, for pure awesomeness, is to have the bridge part that gets pushed up under the grid so if you go before the bridge is...
Not to add redundancy, but great job. This is the first good ship built since Dreadnaught. (when avalanche first came out) The only changes i'd...
I are has idea. Possibly make the regular infected weaker by giving no shields, similar to an infection form, but with the ability to leech...
I have three new requests and one edit to an old request New- Instead of each map added having its own objects, alot of room can be saved up and...
Aha people are on meth. On a separate note, to anyone complaining about the lift involved in the strategic jump, it's actually part of a two...
I just did a play through, and the map was well forged, yet lacked in length and amount/variety of puzzles or traps. At the beginning, the traps...
Great post, as it is sure to help novice players and long time forgers alike to create better infection maps. If i ever see a 'n00bish' infection...
I'm not here to make a long winded criticism about the walkways or the poor amout of merging. I'm here for a more serious issue. The central...
Well, this map has a good concept, but its execution was not so good. i see no merging at all, which could help the map flow better. As someone...
What i believe he was implying was that he wants the banshee to spawn in the game after 1 minute, but he's gotten complaints (like yours) that it...
AHA! A new and very interesting concept i haven't seen. Awesome idea, could use more aesthetics and vehicles (hornets/"escape pods"?) Also, you...
This map, along with the video tsiwt posted, has inspired me to make a more epicly awesome version of these maps merged together. In fact ill...
@Benzu13 Just because there may be maps that people think are better, does that mean that aspiring forgers should quit while their ahead?...
Not to be a total grammar ****, but if you would take the time to make such a well made map with a detailed post, why wouldn't you take the time...
E-flaming makes me laugh. Anyway, after playing a few times i have few complaints. Of the ones i have left, a prominent one would be that the...
Aha! An interesting change from the standard infection game! I like the premise behind the map, and it looks well thought out as well. Only thing...
This is a map..? Not to be too rude, but really? I could do better than this in about 5 minutes. There also seems to be a lack of description and...
Well thought out, fun to play on, yet messy. this map could stand some merging, and if you'd like some help or a v.2 made, lemme know. GT: e10nd0r