Okay so I saw this when mander first posted it, and from the video and pictures it looks awsome, but I have a little problem. I can't go to...
This seems to look pretty cool. I think you did a nice job with the aesthetics including the floor. Can you go behind the goals though like you...
Wow, great map and story. The video was pretty cool, too, and I watched it like three times because of the music :D. As for everyone else, just...
I tried making a ramp like that myself once, but if you get outside the map you only have limited height before all vehicles explode, around 20...
Wow I searched for a star destroyer on the file browser in reach and came across this about four or five days ago, and it looks like you already...
^^ would it be Winter Contingency or ONI: Sword Base? Anyways, I like the idea. I never would have thought of a standoff(ish) map, but I am glad...
Just so you know, your map's name is "Psychotic", yet you named your thread "Phychotic".
or you could just make it so that the ghosts don't have weapon pickup enabled, which includes powerups, so that only the pacman can pick it up.
The vehicle placement is actually the exact same as the default sandbox. But yeah, did you test this map?
Is it just me, or is the middle picture no longer working? I don't have a crappy computer and it was working earlier but not anymore. Anyway,...
First of all, "Its nice to play on a new map, yet have the feeling like you know your way around pretty well", I thought I just said that? Lol, I...
Wow this is a pretty good rendition of Ghost Town from what I can see in the pictures. Because of the obvious time spent into making this map, I...
No, you did not come across as mean at all. I am aware that breakability isn't a huge issue in custom maps, I just thought that when the review...
Wow this is truly an amazing accomplishment you have here. I played this with some friends and it was really fun because of the balance, not to...
Wow is the only world I can think of right now. When I saw the first picture, I was wondering how a map design such as this could possibly be...
Umm, did you ever think of doing something smart such as using grav lifts or mancannons to prevent cheating. You should try that next time ;).
I didn't really get the answer from the post, but how long do you have to survive in the hornet to win the round?
Wow, this looks really cool and very fun to play on I can tell already. I would definately like to see this if you could clean it up a bit and...
Hey this is really cool. Are those things with the two powerups merged into them supposed to be trucks? They definately look like it. Also, you...
I spotted an error in your post. You said "3-7 players (6 humans and 1 zombie), while it should say "3-7 players (6 zombies and 1 human).